Apartment Mauterndorf
Legal notice

Legal notice

Imprint / Leagal notice



Media owner / publisher


Appartement Mauterndorf
Philipp Wiedl, MA
Markt 35
A - 5570 Mauterndorf

Tel.: +43 650 4179240
E-Mail: office@mediaton.at

Registrierungsnummer: 50504-008125-2020


Media line in accordance with Section 25 Paragraph 4 Media Act.


The free website www.apartement-mauterndorf.at offers public information about the holiday rental "Appartement Mauterndorf" as well as the option of contacting us electronically for booking purposes.


Legal notice about the contents


Content published on this website has been researched and controlled with the greatest care. No liability is assumed for the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the information provided. In particular, no legal claims arising from the use of the information and services accessed can be justified. The same applies to the content of all links that lead to various external sites. The website operator has no influence on websites that are accessed via such connections and is therefore not responsible for their content and cannot be held responsible for it.




© Appartement Mauterndorf
All posts and images are protected by copyright and may not be used without the consent of the owner.

Bildnachweis: Appartement Mauterndorf, Biosphärenpark Salzburger Lungau, Ferienregion Salzburger Lungau, Manfred Moser, private, free license / public domain / pixabay.com license